Username - 5 to 32 characters, starting from 4
characters for NFT usernames
Bio - up to 70 characters; for Premium users - up
to 140 characters
- First Name length - from 1 to 64 characters.
- Last Name Length - from 0 to 64 characters.
Self-destruction period - 1, 3, 6 and 12 months (6
by default if no activity)
- Spam ban - from 1 day up to forever
Channels & Supergroups you can join - up to 500
(including ones you own); for Premium users - up to 1000
- Geochat numbers - unlimited
Saved GIFs number - up to 200; for Premium users -
up to 400
- Video-avatar duration - up to 10 seconds.
Group & channel creation - up to 50 in a day.
- Accounts login - up to 3 (official clients)
Visible messages number - unlimited; before 2018
year - up to 1,000,000 visible messages: see
🗨️Chats and groups
Participants up to 200,000 but unlimited in
Broadcast Groups
- Number of admins (in groups) - up to 50.
- Number of bots (in groups) - up to 20.
Pinned chats in main list - up to 5 chats or
channels + 5 secret chats; for Premium users - up to 10 chats or
Group name and description - up to 255 characters.
Message editing - in 48 hours after sending;
unlimited in Saved and for admins with pinning rights.
Photo and video self-destruction - 1 to 60 seconds.
Recent actions (subscriptions, posts, etc.)- last
two days.
Mentions number up to 50, only first 5 from list
will receive notification
Visible messages number in group - 1,000,000 last
- Pinned messages number - unlimited.
Number of participants to see statistics - at least
Username change reservation (time before username
will be available for everyone, not just the original owner) - about
15-30 minutes.
Group-promoted stickers - groups with 100+
- Admin role length - up to 16 characters
- Chat title length - up to 128 characters
Converting a supergroup to broadcast group - for chats with
199,000+ members
Read receipts lifetime - up to 7 days since message was
Read receipts availability - for chats with 100 members or less,
the list of users is only available for the user who sent the
🎙️Voice Chats
- Participants - unlimited.
Broadcasting video (camera, screen casting) - only
30 first participants can cast and see videos of each other, all the
later ones will be in a voice-only chat.
- Title length - up to 64 characters.
Video broadcast viewers - officially it's stated to be unlimited,
in practice, the stream becomes unstable at about 2,000
simultaneous viewers
- Scheduling range - up to 7 days ahead.
Public usernames number for a single account- up to
10 (including groups).
- Length of @username - 5 to 32 characters.
Channel name and description - up to 255
Channel admins number (including bots; you can add
a bot to your channel only by making it an admin)- up to 50
Posts editing - unlimited (if the channel has a
discussion group linked, posts older than 2 weeks won't be updated
in the chat).
- Channel subscribers number - unlimited.
Visible subscribers for channel admin - 200 people.
Channel deletion - channels with more than 1K
subscribers can be deleted only with Telegram support.
- Inviting users - up to 200 people.
Private channel access without subscription - up to
5 minutes once a day.
Number of subscribers to see statistics - at least
Username change reservation (time before username
will be available for everyone, not just the original owner) - about
15-30 minutes.
- One message length - up to 4,096 characters.
Media captions - up to 1,024 characters; for
Premium users - up to 2048 characters
File size limit - up to 2 GB; for Premium users -
up to 4 GB
File name length - up to 60 characters, others will be trimmed
- Video message duration - up to 1 minute.
Images and videos in single message (album) - up to
10 items.
- Scheduled messages number - up to 100 items.
- Schedule range - up to 365 days.
- Folders amount - up to 10 folders.
- Pinned chats in a folder - up to 100 chats.
📍People Nearby
- Visibility range - about 12 kilometers.
- Visible users amount - up to 100 people.
- Visible geochats number - up to 10 closest.
Bots number (created by @BotFather) - up to 20
Length of @username for bots - 5 to 32 characters.
Bot info length (/setabouttext) - up to 120
Bot description length - up to 512 characters.
- File upload limit (BotAPI) - up to 50 MB.
- File download limit (BotAPI) - up to 20 MB.
- Message forwarding - up to 2,000 per hour.
Keyboard buttons number - up to 100 entities.
- Message formatting data - up to 10 KB.
Messages frequency (can be raised by BotSupport) -
up to 30 messages per second; 20 per minute for public chats and
API requests frequency (can be raised by
BotSupport) - up to 30 requests per second.
Commands amount (in BotFather) - 0 to 100 commands.
Command length (in BotFather) - from 1 to 32
Command description length (in BotFather) - from 2
to 256 characters.
Bot /start payload length - up to 64 characters.
Bot alert message length - up to 200 characters.
Username resolve limit (for both bots and user
accounts) - up to 200 usernames daily.
- Inline results number - up to 50 items.
Global search results - up to 10 items; up to 3 for
Minimal query length for global search - at least 4
- Added packs number - up to 200 items.
- Favorite stickers number - up to 5 items.
Stickers in a pack number - up to 120 for static,
up to 50 for animated.
Sticker size - one side equal to 512px, the other
side 512px or less; strictly 512x512 for animated.
- Animation duration - up to 3 seconds.
Sticker file size - up to 512 KB for static, up to
64 KB for animated.
- FPS - either 30 or 60.
- Pack name length - up to 64 characters.
Pack /addstickers url length - up to 62 characters
Accounts number in @telegraph bot - up to 5 items.
- Article size - up to 64 KiB.
Video avatar properties - 800x800px, up to 2 MB.
Photo resolution when sent with compression - each side should be
less or equal to 1280px, else it will be downscaled so the biggest
side will be 1280px